Publications and Products
NM EPSCoR-supported faculty and students disseminate their work in a variety of formats including journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, and data products. Click on an author's name to discover other publications by that author.
Displaying 16 - 30 of 216
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Journal Article:
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Liangkun Yu, Xiang Sun, Sihua Shao, Yougan Chen, Rana Albelaihi
May. 2023
Conference Paper:
2023 American Control Conference (ACC)
Shawn Priore, Ali Bidram, Meeko Oishi
May. 2023
Journal Article:
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Seyyed Abadi, Tohid Khalili, Seyed Habibi, Ali Bidram, Joseph Guerrero
Apr. 2023
Conference Paper:
2023 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC)
Min Zhu, Andrew Cummins, David Mitchell, Michael Lentmaier, Daniel Costello
Apr. 2023
Journal Article:
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Guillermo Terren-Serrano, Manel Martínez-Ramón
Apr. 2023
Journal Article:
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Xiang Sun, Liangkun Yu, Tianrun Zhang
Apr. 2023
Journal Article:
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Seyyed Abadi, Jeewon Choi, Ali Bidram
Mar. 2023
Journal Article:
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Yue Lu, Renjie Wu, Abdullah Mueen, Maria Zuluaga, Eamonn Keogh
Mar. 2023
Conference Paper:
2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference
Conference Paper:
2023 IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)
Journal Article:
IEEE Systems Journal
Journal Article:
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Feb. 2023
Journal Article:
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Michelle Sherman, Sihua Shao, Xiang Sun, Jun Zheng
Feb. 2023
Journal Article:
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Sihua Shao, Adrian Salustri, Abdallah Khreishah, Chenren Xu, Shuai Ma
Feb. 2023
Journal Article:
Mathew Salas, Sihua Shao, Adrian Salustri, Zachary Schroeck, Jun Zheng
Feb. 2023