NM EPSCoR and NMAS Continue a Tradition of Knowledge Sharing

2 minutes
Natalie Rogers
Thank you to everyone who attended the New Mexico Academy of Science Research Symposium on November 14th. It was a symposium for the record books: 58 posters, 30 presentations, and over 150 attendees. Dr. Vipin Gupta of Sandia National Laboratories kicked off our day with his keynote about the Power on Demand Research Challenge, and encouraged us to think differently about power consumption at all scales. After the luncheon and keynote came the first group of concurrent sessions, followed by the poster session and our final group of concurrent sessions. The day wrapped up with the reception, where Turtle Haste received her Science Teacher of the Year Award (and Anna Suggs, the other recipient, was recognized) and we announced the winners of our undergraduate poster competition. In first place was Brianna Willis (ENMU), second place went to Vanessa Ward (SFCC), and in third place was Mariah Kelly (UNM). Brianna and Vanessa are former NM EPSCoR STEMAP students, and Mariah is a 4th-year senior in Environmental Science. Congrats, you three! Pictures from the event can now be found on our Flickr page.
I'd also like to personally thank everyone who helped make the event a success. Our sponsors, UNM CREST and NMAS, and to Malva, Jayne, Jason, and David for your help during the day. Thank you to Donovan Porterfield for putting on the Chemistry session in the morning, and for helping with posters! Thank you to our awesome staff here at NM EPSCoR: Melissa, Chelsea, Selena, Tracy, Arman, and Shelby—you guys are the best people in the world to work with.
A reminder to all NM EPSCoR presenters and poster session participants:
All presenters and poster session participants will be published in the New Mexico Journal of Science. We will make an announcement when the journal is released. If you are a NM EPSCoR participant, please report your presentations, posters, and publications in our reporting portal for NSF. If you need help, contact our web administrator Isis Serna,