Sumant Avasarala Published in Environmental Science & Technology

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Natalie Rogers
Energize New Mexico PhD student Sumant Avasarala recently had his research for the Uranium Transport & Site Remediation team published in Environmental Science and Technology, an academic journal from the American Chemical Society. Sumant is working for his PhD under Dr. José Cerrato and Dr. Ricardo Gonzáles-Pinzón. The article, "Reactive Transport of U and V from Abandoned Uranium Mine Wastes," focuses on research pertaining to how uranium (U) and vanadium (V) interacts with the environment around the abandoned Blue Gap/Tachee Claim uranium mine on the Navajo Nation. In particular, Sumant and his team looked at the pH of water and soil in the area to determine what kind of conditions may contribute to the release of U and V into the surrounding environment.
These results coupled with electron microscopy data suggest that the release of U and V is affected by water pH and the crystalline structure of U–V bearing minerals. The findings from this investigation have important implications for risk exposure assessment, remediation, and resource recovery of U and V in locations where U–V-bearing minerals are abundant.Click here to see the article online, and learn more about the Uranium team here. Congrats on the publication, Sumant!