What We Do


The current National Science Foundation (NSF) EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track 1 award is the New Mexico SMART Grid Center, a five-year, $20 million investment in statewide research infrastructure, workforce development training, and STEM education. Our NM SMART Grid Center initiatives are divided into Research and Programs, and Funding Opportunities will be available throughout the project.


The NM SMART Grid Center supports interdisciplinary research on next-generation electric power production and delivery through creation of a Sustainable, Modular, Adaptive, Resilient, and Transactive (SMART) electric grid.

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NM SMART Grid Center Programs ensure diverse participation in STEM disciplines, train the next generation of SMART-and micro-grid professionals, and engage stakeholders and the general public in SMART Grid Center topics. 


Funding opportunities

Small awards (<$7,500) to support working groups in SMART grid research innovation and training/learning activities. C-IWG awards generally support groups of 8 to 12 individuals working together for two to three days to integrate disciplines, institutions, models, testbeds, and/or approaches to modernizing the electricity grid.

Call for Proposals now open!
Read the full solicitation here

View the informational Webinar here  

Selena Connealy
Associate Director, NM EPSCoR

The Infrastructure Seed Award program is designed to support transformative research and capacity building in emerging smart grid areas (e.g., computer science, electrical and computer engineering, cyberinfrastructure, and workforce development). The $50,000 awards can be used to purchase research and teaching equipment and to pay for student researcher salaries, research supplies, and student conference travel. These awards are meant for pursuing novel research thrusts that lead to new external funding opportunities, and increasing access to research experiences, particularly for undergraduate students from under-represented groups. Faculty members at any public two- or four-year New Mexico institution of higher education are eligible to apply.

Read the full solicitation here

View the informational Webinar here  

Selena Connealy
Associate Director, NM EPSCoR

Graduate Externships provide resources for graduate students (with existing assistantships) to spend a semester or summer doing research at a partnering university, national laboratory, or industry facility. Activities may include taking courses at the host institution, conducting research in a host laboratory, and interacting in the host institution’s academic setting.

Graduate Externships will be available in Year 2 (2019-2020) through Year 5 (2022-2023).

View the call for applications!

Selena Connealy
Associate Director, NM EPSCoR


NM EPSCoR Successes

The NM EPSCoR Mentor Award recognizes NM SMART Grid team members who demonstrate excellence in supporting students’ academic, research, and career endeavors, and in creating inclusive environments for all students.

Excellent Mentors

  • have strong interpersonal and professional relationships with their mentees, demonstrating personal traits of accessibility, honesty, empathy, consistency, and patience.
  • tailor their mentoring styles and content to their mentee’s identity, including adjustments due to culture, ethnicity, gender, and/or age.
  • demonstrate open-mindedness and create an inclusive environment for diverse students.
  • work to advance their mentee’s academic, research, and professional goals in directions most desired by that individual, including advising in research, promoting opportunities outside of the classroom, assisting with successful transitions, and paying attention to the pragmatic aspects of career development.

View Mentor Awardees here!