Who we are
About New Mexico EPSCoR
The mission of New Mexico’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NM EPSCoR) is to build the state’s capacity to conduct scientific research while cultivating a diverse, well-qualified STEM workforce. We envision New Mexico as a contributor to the national and global STEM research enterprise and one that promotes innovation and economic development. We do this through multi-year, federally funded projects that include New Mexico's research universities, primarily undergraduate higher education institutions, national laboratories, and other organizations.
Our current focus is the NM SMART Grid Center, an interdisciplinary National Science Foundation (NSF) project that is pursuing research and workforce training for next-generation electric power production and delivery.
History of New Mexico EPSCoR
NM EPSCoR was established with a successful National Science Foundation (NSF) planning grant in 2000. The first NSF Track 1 Research Infrastructure Improvement grant was awarded in 2002. For more information on the history of NM EPSCoR NSF funding and research areas, please view our historical timeline by clicking below.
Mission & Vision
The mission of New Mexico’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NM EPSCoR) is to build the state’s capacity to conduct scientific research while cultivating a diverse, well-qualified STEM workforce. We envision New Mexico as a contributor to the national and global STEM research enterprise and one that promotes innovation and economic development.
Diversity & Inclusion Statement
The diversity of the people of New Mexico has been a source of innovation and creativity throughout our state’s history. NM EPSCoR respects and values diversity of all types, including race, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, education, socioeconomic status, ability, and more. We see diversity as a source of strength, and we strive to create an inclusive, collaborative, and equitable environment where everyone can realize their full potential. NM EPSCoR particularly acknowledges the acute need to remove barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of talented students, faculty, and staff from historically excluded populations who are currently underrepresented.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) supports 25 states, two territories, and one commonwealth in its efforts to build sustainable research and human infrastructure. The mission of EPSCoR is to advance excellence in science and engineering research and education in order to achieve sustainable increases in research, education, and training capacity and competitiveness that will enable EPSCoR jurisdictions to have increased engagement in areas supported by the NSF. Of all NSF EPSCoR faculty hires, 78% remain in their original jurisdictions, creating a return on investment for each jurisdiction.
People of NM EPSCoR
Research Team Leads
- Architecture: Olga Lavrova (NMSU), Ali Bidram (UNM), Jane Lehr (UNM)
- Networking: Jay Misra (NMSU), Jun Zheng (NM Tech), Michael Devetsikiotis (UNM)
- Decision-Support: Huiping Cao (NMSU), Enrico Pontelli (NMSU), Abdullah Mueen (UNM), Manel Martínez-Ramón (UNM)
- Deployment: Ali Bidram (UNM), Jun Zheng (NM Tech), Enrico Pontelli (NMSU), Jane Lehr (UNM)
- Cyberinfrastructure: Diana Dugas (NMSU), Karl Benedict (UNM), Patrick Bridges (UNM), Jon Wheeler (UNM)
NM EPSCoR State Committee
- Jack Jekowski
Consultant, Innovative Technology Partnerships, LLC - Stephanie Rodriguez
Cabinet Secretary, New Mexico Higher Education Department
University Representatives
- Luis Cifuentes
Vice President for Research, NMSU - Ellen Fisher
Vice President for Research, UNM - Mike Doyle
Vice President for Research, NMT - W. Jack Crocker
Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, WNMU - John Montgomery
Assistant Dean, Liberal Arts and Sciences, ENMU - Ian Williamson
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Grants, and Contracts, NMHU - Larry Guerrero
Associate Vice President for Student Success, NNMC - Valerie Montoya
Vice President of Academic Programs, SIPI
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Representative
- Kathy Keith
Director of Community Programs Office, LANL
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Representative
- Adele Doser
Manager, SNL
New Mexico Consortium Representative
- John Engen
Director, NMC
State Government Representatives
- Nora Sackett
Director, Office of Strategy, Science, and Technology Economic Development Department
State Government Legislators
- Representative Debra Sariñana
District 21, Bernalillo County - Senator William Soules
District 37, Doña Ana County
Private Industry Representatives
- Jon Hawkins
Manager of Advanced Technology and Strategy, PNM Resources - Bill Kipnis
Senior Project Developer, Avangrid Renewables
State EPSCoR Office (Ex-Officio)
- Ganesh Balakrishnan
NM EPSCoR State Director
NM EPSCoR State Office
- Ganesh Balakrishnan
Director & Principal Investigator of the NM SMART Grid Center
gunny@epscor.unm.edu - Selena Connealy
- Associate Director
connealy@epscor.unm.edu - Brittney Van Der Werff
- Communication and Outreach Specialist
bvdw@epscor.unm.edu - Andra Kiscaden
Senior Business Manager
anmcclun@unm.edu - Isis Serna
Website Administrator
iserna@epscor.unm.edu - Dustin Allen
Systems & Network Analyst